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This photo from the December 1908 issue of The Coast magazine remains a mystery. The caption reads: "First House built on the Skagit river." It was credited to "Ralph Hartson, 1906." We know from research on William Sartwell that he built the first permanent settler structure, a cabin, in 1863, north of the later town of Conway. Is the Sartwell cabin what Hartson meant? This seems to be a more substantial log house. Also, we know from the 1913 obituary of Mrs. Mathilda (Magnus) Anderson that the 1863 cabin had collapsed that summer. We hope that a reader can help us answer the question and especially we hope someone can identify the people in the photo. |
It is scarcely possible to conceive the great changes that have taken place from the time the first settler located his humble cabin in the heart of a great jungle, until the present time. Then were great forests of alder, spruce and fir trees. Now there are wide stretches of rich alluvial lands, on which are found the beautiful mansions of wealthy farmers. Many of these farmers are the original first settlers, while others are their successors, and are reaping the harvest sown by the old timers of forty years ago.
The writer well remembers that at this time not even a blind trail existed over which it was possible to travel. All transportation was by canoes and boats. The first of the early settlers was careful to have his cabin located on the bank of the river in order to have some means to reach the outside world and renew his supply of provisions when they became exhausted.
Imagine if you please three men gathered together on the bank of the river near where the town of Conway is located. A few trees have been cut down, but not enough to let in the sunshine. . . . A long slim alder tree has been chopped down, and one of them takes an ax and cuts it into lengths of twelve and fourteen feet. The other two proceed to notch the ends and lay them up, forming a pen. This is the beginning of the first cabin in the Skagit Valley, built of logs and covered with cedar shakes. The doorway was so low that one had to duck his head in order to enter.
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This, the first house in the Skagit Valley, was built by W.H. Sartwell on the land now owned by Magnus Anderson, five miles below Mt. Vernon, in the year 1863. The men who assisted Mr. Sartwell were O. [Orrin] Kincaid and a man named Todd, whose cabins were built by the trio a few days later.
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Sartwell, Kincaid and Todd established a cabin on the former's cabin a trading post, exchanging goods and merchandise with the Indians for furs. They found great difficulty in purchasing their stock of goods, as the dealers at Seattle and Olympia being desirous of securing the Indian trade, refused to let them have goods at less than retail prices, which they were compelled to pay, as they were not in a position to order goods from San Francisco; neither were they certain that the mill companies would consent to bring them in their ships if they were to endeavor to open up a trade with the distant city. [See full transcript at this Journal site.]
Before we go forward, we will head back to see what we know about Sartwell and his neighbor Kincaid and how they became the earliest settlers. We will feature Kincaid in a future issue, but for now we note that in 1883 he turned out to be especially important to Skagit County's history when he became the key figure in the split from Whatcom County that year.
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Sartwell, Kincaid and a Mr. Todd formed a partnership and established in the cabin a trading post for the purpose of exchanging goods and merchandise with the Indians for furs. The difficulty of purchasing goods, however, by reason of the exorbitant charges of the wholesalers at Seattle and Olympia, who wished to monopolize the Indian trade themselves, rendered this first mercantile venture on the Skagit unprofitable, and soon after Mr. Kincaid went to California [until 1878]. In the meantime, Mr. Todd died and for some time Sartwell was alone on that immediate portion of the river.We have never found another record of the mysterious Todd, who died in an unknown year after 1863. Here we have to discuss the location of the cabin, which took some ferreting to determine and which is still not a completely solved puzzle. LaConner author Tom Robinson discovered during his research for a book in progress that the three men's attempts to establish an early trading post on the south fork. Dealers in Seattle and Olympia wanted the Indian trade for themselves and would not sell staples to the settlers at wholesale prices, insisting instead that they pay retail. That was compounded with the fact that the companies who owned the mills also owned the steamboats on which the goods would be transported and had company stores of their own. Thus five or six years passed before a trading post was established at the fork of the river.
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This, the first residence in the Skagit valley, was erected on the claim of W.H. Sartwell, now owned by Magnus Anderson, about 5 miles below Mount Vernon in 1863?. Mr. Sartwell, in constructing his cabin, was assisted by Orrin Kincaid and a man named Todd, who were the first settlers in the valley.
On Wednesday morning, leaving Mr. [Prichard's] residence, we turned our double-ender skiff up stream, towards Skagit City, visiting the different settlers on the way; stopping at the residences of [Joe] Lisk [who died a few years later and his widow married Jesse Beriah Ball, who founded Sterling]; W.H. Sartwell [the first settler on the fork, Sartwell was set back when his infant child died that month]; C. Thompson; J.V. Abbott;
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The considerably restored 1869 Magnus Anderson cabin in LaConner. Read our exclusive Anderson profile for all the details. |
. . . John Wilbur, John Shepherd, Wm. Johnson, and Mr. Alexander, J.V. Abbott, an old-timer, and still living on his original claim, located in May 5, 1865, shortly followed by Dane Anderson, who first located the old McAlpine place, on which the town of Skagit City now stands. In those early days the settlement did not increase very rapidly, the following being the first settlers.In his 1908 article, George Hartson also listed the early settlers:
On the South fork — Joe Lisk, [William] Kayton, Geo. Wilson, John Wilbur, [Edward] McAlpine, [Lemuel] Sweet, A.G. Kelley, R.I. [actually R.L.] Kelley, J. Wilson, Joe Wilson. On the North fork — John Maddox, W. Brown, H.A. Wright, Peter [Vander] Kuyl, Franklin Buck and Magnus Anderson.
In the period of a few years the following settlers had located: On the south, Joe Lisk, William Kayton, George Wilson, John Wilbur, Lemuel Sweet, A.G. Kelley, R.L. Kelly, John Wilson and Joe Wilson. On the north fork, John Ganey, William Hayes, William Oughton [also spelled Ongton], Joe Maddox, William Drown, H.A. Wright, Peter [Vander] Kuyl and Magnus Anderson. These comprise the earliest of the early settlers, and all were unmarried at the time of their location. The first man with a family who made a settlement was Thomas R. Jones, followed shortly after by [Samuel] S. Tingley, both of whom located on the north fork. To the wife of Mr. Tingley was born the first white child, Oliver C. Tingley, born June 6, 1870.The history of the Tingley family notes that in 1867, Samuel Simpson Tingley and his first wife, Maria (a Mercer Girl from Massachusetts], settled on the north fork of the Skagit, "In 1867 Mr. Tingley went to the mouth of the Skagit River, on the south side of the north fork, and took up a claim. Messrs. Abbott and Sartwell were the only men on the south fork at that time, though up by La Conner were Mike Sullivan and Sam Calhoun, both of whom had some land diked in." Therefore we infer that Kincaid had already moved to Virginia City.
May 26, 1870 [The second night of the journey]. "Reached W.H. Sartwells about 4 miles above mouth of river at 3 p.m. . . . The river at Sartwells is 480 ft wide, 40 to 50 feet deep at present stage which is about 4 ft below extreme high water. Current about 4 miles per hour. Fall 6 to 8 iThat was land right on the river and Linsley notes the width of the river there and its comparative shallowness. The shores were wooded, mostly with cottonwood and alder trees. The cottonwoods grew to a huge size; one, measured 6 ft. above the ground, was 27.9 ft. in circumference. From Sartwell's the party went on up the Skagit river.
Thomas P. Hastie homesteaded his present place near Fir in June, 1870, coming over from Whidby [Whidbey] island. He lived on the place on and off until he proved up in 1872. In 1870 he found the following settlers in his neighborhood: [see other citation]. . . .In 1872, Sartwell made history again by hosting the first school on the mainland of future Skagit County; it was initially a subscription school. An earlier school opened in 1869 but it was on Fidalgo Island. A Pioneer school also opened in July 1872 at Pleasant Ridge at Albert Leamer's house, with the teacher his daughter, Ida Leamer, who was only 15. The 1906 Illustrated History noted regarding Sartwell's school:
By 1870, several other settlers had moved into the Tingley neighborhood. In an interview for the 1906 Illustrated History book, Thomas P. Hastie Jr. recalled that he and Samuel lived near Franklyn Buck, DeWitt Clinton Dennison, Bus Lill, Samuel S. Tingley, Magnus Anderson, William Brown, Joseph L. Maddox, Thomas R. Jones, Peter Vander Kuyl, Moses Kane, John Guinea, Quinby Clark, [unknown first] Fay, T.J. Rawlins and Charles Henry.
The school board consisted of William Sartwell, Orrin Kincaid and "Little" Johnson. This school was held in Sartwell's original log cabin, a building so low that even the children could hardly get in without stooping. There were seven pupils and the teacher was Zena Tingley [daughter of Samuel], who afterward became Mrs. H.H. [actually recorded in the federal census as J.D.] Moores. The length of time at that time was but three months. This school was housed for two years thereafter in an old cabin on John Kelley's homestead, now occupied by Peter Egtvet. Subsequently, by the efforts of Mrs. C.C. Villeneuve, who went around to the lumber camps with a Siwash [vernacular for Indian] pilot, lumber was procured and a new building erected upon an acre of land donated for the purpose by Mr. Kelley. By reason of a difference between the people of the north and south sides of the river, this acre of land with the school building passed into the hands of Peter Egtvet and the pioneers erected a new schoolhouse at the delta on John Wilbur's place. This was used for a number of years, until a separate district was established on the south side of the river. Among the teachers in the old Wilbur school were G.E. Hartson and Mrs. Kate Washburn.That school eventually evolved into Whatcom School District 3, which was named Skagit, serving "All that part of Township 33 lying east of the Dry Slough." Parenthetically, we know from our Earliest Schools story that when the Kelley/Egtvet cabin could not contain all the neighborhood's students, a new school was constructed on the John Wilbur ranch, west of the river. We thought it was a little east and south of the present vacant Skagit City School, at 1552 Moore Road on Fir Island, built in 1902. But Tom Robinson has surmised something different. When we discussed the early history of Skagit City, he suggested that, "One possibility is the school, which was built on the original John Wilbur claim, In other words, the first actual schoolhouse may well have been exactly where the later one is now." We are researching that possibility.
Among the names of the first homesteaders we have Greenleaf Stackpole [arrived 1874], Downs, Thomas Hayton, Garret, Cobb, [Jasper and John] Gates, Dougold Good [arrived 1872], Charles H. Mann, [Thomas P. Hastie Jr., Russell, Abbot, Henry and Sarah Summers [immigrated from England 1874], Lisk and Ben Loveland [Whidbey pioneer 1874, Brown's slough of Skagit 1883]. There are also many Scandinavian names in the 1870s and '80s, such as John and Magnus Anderson [brothers-in-law], Peter Olson, Christ Olson, Branstad, Enen, Louis Johnson, Ole Johnson [arrived 1878], Lars and Nels Danielson [Milltown island 1884], Lanke, Andrew and Wilhelmina Crogstad [Brown's slough 1877], Tolber [also in records as Charles Tollber, a Finn and ship's carpenter], Olaf Polson [came to the valley in 1871 as the patriarch of the famous LaConner-area family], Ollie Wollan [ later a partner with Charles H. Mann's nephew, George H. Mann, in a Fir hotel in 1898] and Swanson [family arrived 1879].Tom Robinson informed us early in the research that Sartwell made history again in 1876 when he platted the town of Skagit City. In fact, it is Robinson's discovery about Sartwell that helped us confirm that the original village went by that name two years earlier. As he told us, "I have come across a reference to 'Skagit City' from 1874. William H. Sartwell was appointed to fill a vacancy on the county board of commissioners. He was stated to be from Skagit City, thus a concept of a Skagit City was emerging even before there was any platting. Or maybe the two names were used interchangeably." We have also found reference to the name as just Skagit later in the decade.
Obituary — Born, July 30, 1821, at Bethlehem, Ind. Died, July 4, 1895, a 9 o'clock p.m., Robert L. Kelley Skagit News [Mount Vernon] February 11, 1895 Robert L. Kelley, the subject of this sketch, was one of the pioneer settlers of the Skagit Valley, having located on his farm south of Mount Vernon in 1871. He resided at his birthplace until 1854, when he removed to Fairfield, Ia., living at that place for ten years, being engaged in farming. From Fairfield he went to Missouri, where he remained four years, going thence to Tennessee, and from there to Skagit River in the year mentioned.[Return]
The two brothers, R.L. and A.G. were men of means, and lived together at this time. Many of the old settlers were indebted to them for the money with which they made proof on their claims, and this at a time when banks and loan agencies were absolutely unknown. To their credit, be it said that they never pressed a debtor of foreclosed a mortgage
A.G. Kelley was one of the victims of the ill-fated Josephine, which exploded her boilers while on the run from Seattle to Mount Vernon, and received a broken leg and other injuries, from which he died in the hospital at Seattle a few days later. Since the death of his brother, R.L. Kelley has lived quietly on his farm, content to lend a helping hand to every public enterprise, and though never leaving his home, taking the liveliest interest in all matters of public benefit.
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