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Gen. Alger is now forty-nine years of age, an active, handsome gentleman six feet tall, living the life of a busy man of affairs. His military bearing at once indicates his army life and although slenderly built, his square shoulders and erect carriage give the casual observer the impression that his weight is fully 180 pounds. He is a firm yet a most decidedly pleasant-appearing man, with a fine forehead, rather a prominent nose, an iron-gray moustache and chin whiskers and a full head of black hair sprinkled with gray.
He is usually attired in the prevailing style of business suits. His favorite dress has been a high buttoned cutaway frock coat, with the predominating cut of vest and trousers, made of firm gray suiting. A high collar, small cravat, easy shoes and white plug hat complete his personal apparel. He is very particular as to his appearance, and always wears neat clothes of the best goods, but shuns any display of jewelry or extravagant embellishment. He is one of the most approachable men imaginable. No matter how busy he may be, he always leaves his desk to extend a cordial welcome to every visitor, be he of high or low situation. His affable manners delight his guests, while his pleasing face and bright, dark eyes always animate his hearers.
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Russell A. Alger, pen-and-ink drawing from Ingham & Livingston Counties Portrait Album |
Perhaps mention should also be made of the Alger Logging Company, which some time in the later eighties bought out the Samish Logging Company and moved the outfit to McElroy slough [between Lookout and Blanchard], where for years it operated very extensively. It sold in 1900 to the Lake Whatcom Logging Company. It is said that whatever may have been the failures of R.A. Alger as secretary of war [see that section below], he was one of the most skilful managers of a large lumbering company that every operated on the sound
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Russell A. Alger, Secretary of War, a portrait by noted artist By Percy Ives, oil on canvas. He was a member of the Society of Western Artists, and an official of the Detroit Museum of Art and the Archaeological Institute of America. Ives painted Secretary Alger from life soon after Alger's departure from the War Department. From this website. |
The Puget Sound Mail recorded that by 1991, the peak year, the Blanchards and Hawley and Alger owned "1,400 acres of timberland with a potential of 500 (could have been a typo) million board feet of logs and had a payroll of 227 men, 114 oxen and 30 horses working on 25 miles of tram and skid road, including holdings in Whatcom county." George Blanchard decided that year that a very bad economy was on the way and he moved to Tacoma, a year after his father had moved to Puyallup. The nationwide Depression that started in 1893 did indeed depress the logging market in the Northwest and Alger and Hawley's interest was distracted. That distraction became acute when McKinley appointed Alger Secretary of War at almost the same time that Hawley died in Cleveland on June 14, 1898.Skagit Logging Camps As the traveler pursues his way on the steamer from Seattle, he passes through Similk and Burrows bays as he rounds Fidalgo island and crosses the head of the Straits of Fuca, glide through Ship Harbor, touches at Samish island and eventually reaches a floating wharf on Samish Bay. It is at this time float that one of the most extensive logging camps in Washington Territory receives its supplies.
This float is two miles from the end of the logging road known as the Blanchard railway, and the road is two miles from the village of Edison. The track is four miles long, a standard gauge, with steel rails and a fully fledged steam locomotive and thirty logging cars. The superintendent of the logging camp is Dudley Blanchard, who is the agent of ex-Gov. Alger, of Michigan, and Mr. Hawley, of Cincinnati.
The camp works an average of ninety men, who get 75,000 feet of logs per day, working about eight months in the year, making the annual output eighteen million feet, sold at $7 per thousand, or a total of $126,000 per annum. The pay roll of the camp is about $180 per day. For moving logs in the woods at such places as are too rough for cattle [oxen], two stationary donkey engines are used. This company is now having made for this place a "steam skidder," such as the firm uses in its camps in Michigan and in Humboldt county, California.
None of these skidders are as yet in use in Puget Sound basin. The contrivance costs about ten thousand dollars. It consists of a twenty horse power engine set near a marsh or deep ravine, and from it is run a large cable stretched tightly from tree to tree. On this cable are three metal carriages, and from them drop tongs or grappling hooks which clutch the logs and hoist them clear of the ground and then they are run to the dumping place. . . .
It is now getting to be quite the thing to use cattle to draw logs out of the thick woods to skid roads and then use horses on the skid roads. There are usually seven horses to a team and they are driven with a single jerk line. Such a team of horses will make three trips while a team of cattle would make, under the same conditions, but one trip. The cattle in the camps are generally worked six or seven yoke in a team. They are carded twice a day and stanceled [?] and kept so fat that they play like kittens when they are turned loose. They are grained and handled equal to the best care bestowed on a crack livery team. An ox team of seven yoke will haul from seven thousand to nine thousand feet of logs at one load.
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Senator Russell A. Alger, painted by Gari (Julius Garibaldi) Melchers (1860-1932) from Detroit, |
How well did Alger — a Detroit lumber baron and former governor of Michigan — do his job as Secretary of War? Most historians of the Spanish-American War believe that Alger turned in a poor performance. At one level, he was weak and unprepared for war. On March 9, 1898, six weeks before the U. S. declared war on Spain, Congress allocated $50 million "for national defense and for each and every purpose connected therewith." But Alger never insisted that any of the money be used to prepare an army to fight.
In April, when the war began, Alger desperately struggled to equip the army for battles in Cuba. Unfortunately, disaster followed disaster. For example, the soldiers received wool uniforms for a summer war in a tropical climate. The mess pans were leftovers from the Civil War. Few soldiers received modern rifles; most ended up with outdated Springfields, and some, like Michigan's 32nd regiment, had no rifles at all and never made it overseas. Those who did make it to Cuba ate food so sickening that soldiers called it "embalmed beef," and a special war commission later studied it to find out what was in it. . . .
Alger, of course, blamed the slow-moving bureaucracy, including the legions of political appointees in the War Department, for his problems. But Alger himself had to take full responsibility for appointing William R. Shafter as chief general for the Cuban campaign. Shafter, from Galesburg, Michigan, was 62 years old when the war broke out and he moved slowly because he weighed almost 300 pounds. He was ill during most of the fighting and many questioned his abilities. Teddy Roosevelt, who led the charge up San Juan Hill, said that "not since the campaign of Crassus against the Parthians [over 2,000 years ago] has there been so criminally incompetent a general as Shafter." . . .
Within four months and one week after Congress declared war, over 274,000 men had volunteered to put on wool uniforms, endure a disease-ridden tropical climate, eat embalmed beef, and risk their lives shooting antique guns at menacing Spanish soldiers. Not all of these men made it to Cuba, but M. B. Stewart, one who did, said it best this way: "We were doing the best we knew and our lack of knowledge was more than outweighed by the magnificent spirit and discipline of both officers and men."
See this fine website: http://www.mackinac.org/print.asp?ID=1286 for the full remarks. And see this website: http://www.boondocksnet.com/gallery/cartoons/1898/980915nyh9810amrr.html for one of the more satirical Alger political cartoons of the time, "McKinley: Better Hurry that Job, Alger." In those days before photographs dominated U.S. newspapers, cartoonists were king.
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