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of History & Folklore Covering from British Columbia to Puget Sound. Washington counties covered: Skagit, Whatcom, Island, San Juan, Snohomish, focusing on Sedro-Woolley and Skagit Valley. This page originated in our Optional Subscribers Magazine An evolving history dedicated to committing random acts of historical kindness The home pages remain free of any charge. We need donations or subscriptions to continue. Please pass on this website link to your family, relatives, friends and clients. |
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Any time, any amount, please help build our travel and research fund for what promises to be a very busy 2013, traveling to mine resources from California to Washington and maybe beyond. Depth of research determined by the level of aid from readers. Because of our recent illness, our research fund is completely bare. See many examples of how you can aid our project and help us continue for another ten years. And subscriptions to our optional Subscribers Online Magazine (launched 2000) by donation too. Thank you. |
After the election of his candidate Mr. Garfield was offered several important presidential appointments, one of them being that of ambassador to the Court of St. James, but he preferred to remove to the west rather than enter upon diplomatic service, and following his arrival on the Pacific coast President Buchanan gave him the appointment of surveyor general of the northwest country.The ambassadorship has not been confirmed by any other source and the claim has an apocryphal ring to it. According to more than one source, Garfield moved the family out to Olympia in early 1857. We are not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, the move or the job. But a grateful President Buchanan appointed him to the post of Receiver of Public Monies for the U.S. District Land Office of Washington Territory, "Salary 2,500; also allowed office rent, but no fees of any kind whatever allowed. Receivers allowed actual and necessary expenses in depositing."
. . . arrived cash-poor and ambitious, but unlike most he fulfilled his grandest ambitions. By the time of his death in 1876, Miller had amassed one of the largest private fortunes in the territory and had used it creatively in developing the region's assets, leaving a significant mark on the territory's political and economic history. Appointed Surveyor of Customs at the newly created Port of Nisqually in 1851, Miller was the first federal official north of the Columbia River. Two years later he helped organize the new territory's Democratic Party and quickly became a political and financial confidant of governor Isaac Stevens. [2]A native of Massachusetts, Stevens was four years Garfield's senior. He graduated first in his class at West Point in 1839, was commissioned to the Corps of Engineers and was promoted after action in the Mexican-American War from Vera Cruz to Mexico City. After supporting Democrat Franklin Pierce's successful 1852 presidential election, Stevens was rewarded by a Pierce appointment to be the first governor of the Washington Territory, which was formed from the northern part of Oregon Territory on March 3, 1853. Charles H. Mason, a Maryland native, was appointed Secretary of State and he preceded Stevens in the territory to set up the office in September that year; he was acting governor on four occasions during the tumultuous times ahead.
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Would you like information about how to join them in advertising? We cannot emphasize how we need such support for our accelerated research journeys of 2013-14 for books and many more stories. Our newest sponsor, Plumeria Bay, is based in Birdsview, just a short walk away from the Royal family's famous Stumpranch, and is your source for the finest down comforters, pillows, featherbeds & duvet covers and bed linens. Order directly from their website and learn more about this intriguing local business. Oliver-Hammer Clothes Shop at 817 Metcalf Street in downtown Sedro-Woolley, 88 years. Peace and quiet at the Alpine RV Park, just north of Marblemount on Hwy 20, day, week or month, perfect for hunting or fishing Park your RV or pitch a tent by the Skagit River, just a short drive from Winthrop or Sedro-Woolley Check out Sedro-Woolley First section for links to all stories and reasons to shop here first or make this your destination on your visit or vacation. Are you looking to buy or sell a historic property, business or residence? We may be able to assist. Email us for details. |
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