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For the past ten years we have built a database of notable events not only in the Northwest, but nationwide and worldwide. We feel it is important for readers to have a resource for the context of the frontier years. Among hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, websites and books, our main sources are listed at the bottom of the article. |
Garfield proved during the 1880 campaign that he could manipulate even the most hardened politicians when he won by a very narrow margin, largely through the support of a New York machine boss, U.S. Senator Roscoe Conkling. Conkling would soon regret his support. Garfield began moving towards civil service reform in his short term of office and carried on the relatively clean government tradition of Hayes. Both Garfield and his wife Lucretia (nicknamed "Crete") were devout members of the Disciple of Christ church and she devoted herself to raising their five children. She dreamed of refurbishing the executive mansion but she caught malaria, which was blamed on the swamps behind the White House, and then her husband was assassinated. She eventually recovered and lived to age 86 and all her children went on to have distinguished careers. |
Conkling assumed that Arthur would stay in his camp after he was elected as vice president, and Arthur did become estranged from Garfield when he refused to join attempts to reform civil service. But when he ascended to President after Garfield's assassination, Arthur surprised everyone by acting independently and defying Conkling. Indeed, one of Arthur's strongest legacies is his role in support of the Pendleton Act, which attempted to counter patronage and cronyism by requiring competitive exams for government office. Specifically, the law banned salary kickbacks and insured that promotion would be based on merit, not connections. He also ran counter to his own Republican Party when he pushed for tariff reduction to relieve indebted farmers and middle-class consumers; Republicans usually supported high tariffs to protect big business and manufacturing. In keeping with Republican and popular opinion, Arthur supported the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, banning Chinese immigration for ten years and forbidding Chinese citizenship. Arthur picked up where Lucretia Garfield left off with a project to refurbish the White House. Known as a man of elegant taste who loved to throw lavish parties, Arthur came to the presidency as "The Gentleman Boss" of New York. Disgusted with the shabby look of the executive mansion, Arthur hired the most famous designer in New York, Louis Comfort Tiffany, to transform it into a showplace befitting the office. Arthur loved to showcase his two children at White House social affairs, but did not care for family life. His wife, Ellen Lewis Herndon, died before he assumed office. He much preferred fishing, feasting with his cronies and administrative work. Because he knew that he suffered from a fatal kidney disease, Arthur did not actively seek reelection for a second term and died two years after leaving office. Arthur's administration marks a period of transition in American politics because he encouraged women to take an active role in politics. His era was marked by groups pressing strongly for women's suffrage and temperance and moves toward addressing social justice issues related to poverty, child labor, government regulation, and immigration. Despite having advanced in his career through managing the New York political machine, Arthur showed tremendous flexibility and a willingness to embrace reform. |
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