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In all, 25 firms were rousted from their business habitations. They watched the going up into the air of their worldly goods, but never a one of them lost his or her grip on the Sedro-Woolley spirit, and while the flames were mounting high and the wrack and ruin lay in a seething, blistering mass of heat about them, every one joined in a hustle for places in which to continue business. Before many of the losers went to bed, contracts were made for the immediate construction of both permanent and temporary business structures.Why was that fire so important that we have spent months, over the past 14 years, researching it? Well, first it may seem relatively insignificant when you discover that only two blocks of old Woolley were affected, but those were the heart of the original downtown section of P.A. Woolley's company town. His mansion just barely escaped the fire, and 15 years later, it, too, burned. The historical importance lies in the fire's role as a wake-up call. The insurance companies as a whole pulled the plug, or at least hiked their rates dramatically, unless Sedro-Woolley businesses rebuilt in brick and stone. A few woodframe buildings remained but most were replaced over the next decade. Below we take an article from the Skagit County Times that appeared five months after the fire and we annotate it with our own research. The years leading up to 1912 marked a growing economy that would peak after World War I.
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The July 24, 1911, fire started just north of Woodworth Street and burned through most of the two main downtown business blocks. The wind was predominantly from the southwest, so most of the buildings outside the core escaped damage or destruction. This Skagit Commission complex, west of the Northern Pacific depot, was two blocks away from the fire and they constructed a new building during the construction boom. At least three new businesses were spun off from this plant during that decade. See the links at the bottom to read more about the fire itself. |
The Town's Progress for the Year 1911
Many Permanent Buildings Erected as Well
as Other Good and Substantial Improvements
Skagit County Times, Dec. 27, 1911 The industrial progress of Sedro-Woolley for the year 1911, while not extraordinary, has been substantial and progressive to permanence. While few new industries have been acquired, material additions to those already existing have made up for deficiency otherwise, and while these have more than held the town well up in the march of progress, in comparison with other cities in this and adjoining counties, its opportunities have perhaps, been further advanced by settlement of the country immediately contiguous, than any other place in the county.
In an industrial way, Sedro-Woolley and its immediate vicinity has, within the year now drawing to a close, been a scene of greater activity than all the other cities in the county combined, the aggregate of the expenditures made and being made will considerably exceed the half-million mark.
While it is true that within the year apparent misfortune in the form of devastating fires has fallen to our lot, that misfortune only served to develop the steadfastness of purpose and universal loyalty to that purpose of men who do not know the meaning of failure, of men who look fate straight in the face, defy its adversities, and face and strive for that success which indomitable energy unfailingly compels. Fire undoubtedly resulted in material and financial loss to those who were its victims, but the Sedro-Woolley spirit is Phoenix, and the town's physical gain is of that substantial character which compels admiration, respect and universal confide
The commercial success of Sedro-Woolley has always depended greatly upon the ability and willingness of its businessmen to supply the necessities of life in any quantity and quality destruction wrought in the business district, the interruption was scarcely noticeable. The embers from the great conflagration had scarcely lost their glow when temporary structures were begun and stocks of goods began to accumulate and but for the long scene of rebuilding there was little to indicate interruption to the town's business.
In turn the temporary structures have given way to permanent, handsome and commodious brick buildings containing, besides largely increased stocks of merchandise, every convenience essential to the comfort of a vast and continuously increasing patronage.
Of business buildings constructed within the year, is numbered the replacement in brick of the former frame building to Bingham & Holland, adjoining the C.E. Bingham & Co. bank building on the south on Metcalf Street The building comprises two commodious store rooms. [806 Metcalf]
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The photo on the above left is of the original Fritsch Bros. Hardware store, a woodframe building at the northwest corner of Metcalf and Woodworth streets, which was erected in 1897 after an early burned down the original 1892 structure. The fire started in a small shack to the left, behind the building. The photo at the right is from the post-1911 fire newspaper and shows the brick structure still standing there today, which now houses a floral shop and pizza parlor and the chamber of commerce. Some of these photos on this page that are from that issue are not in very good condition. They are taken from a Xeroxed copy of the Dec. 27, 1911, newspaper that a local resident found and loaned to historian Deanna Ammons, so please pardon the quality. |
To the north [from the bank building], across Woodworth Street and fronting on Metcalf Street, is the splendid new brick business habitation of Fritsch Bros., covering a ground space of 100x120 feet, and constituting use of the largest salesrooms in Northwest Washington. Commensurate with the room are the vast stocks of hardware, furniture, chinaware, mill supplies, building supplies, paints, oils, farm implements and machinery in the state.728 Metcalf. Franz von Fritsch (Americanized to Frank) moved his family from Prussia to Germany, and then they emigrated to Texas in 1871, entering the country in New Orleans. They moved north to Whatcom County in 1882 and then later in the decade to Sauk City on the south shore of the Skagit River. They owned businesses there until the fire of 1889 and the floods of the early 1890s convinced them to move further down the valley. Father Frank started businesses in Burlington and in 1892 his sons Joe and Frank Jr. bought out the Herman Waltz hardware in old-Sedro by the river. At first they sold hardware and implements out of a store on Jameson Avenue in new Sedro, but then they moved to the present location in an unknown year. After a fire in 1897 they built a new woodframe store with a firewall between two parts to protect paint storage in case of fire. That woodframe building was destroyed in the 1911 fire and only the firewall survived. The new building referred to above is now the site of Johnson's Sedro-Woolley Floral & Gifts, Pizza Factory and the Sedro-Woolley Chamber of Commerce, on the west side of the street. We are corresponding with Fritsch descendants and we will present a biography of the family in 2007.
Fritsch Bros. are of Sedro-Woolley's pioneer business men, and are far and favorably known as one of the progressive firms in the town and county. Their dealings with the public have always been based upon the fair rules of trade and friendship and they are subjects of universal confidence and esteem. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
Next to Fritsch's on the north is the new Seidell building of brick, composing two handsome business rooms. One of those is the Vienna bakery and confectionery, conducted by A.B. Campbell & Son, and the other by the handsomely equipped tonsorial parlor, conducted by Marion B. Cox. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]708 Metcalf. This is the building north of the alley, on the west side of the 700 block of Metcalf, which housed the Castle Tavern for nearly 70 years until early 2005, when the business changed to Cues & Brews. Arthur C. Seidell was a civil war veteran who moved to Woolley in the 1890s to mill grain and by the time of the fire he and his sons were trading furs, probably in conjunction with barber Jack Ames. Back in 1905, Seidell erected the two-story building that originally housed the First National Bank [628 Metcalf]. That stood on the south half of the site of today's Hammer Heritage Square; it burned to the ground in December 1949. In the 1913 Polk directory, Campbell's bakery business was listed as bakers Carl Breivig and John Sandvig.
Next, and adjoining the Seidell building on the north and extending to Ferry Street is the splendid and commodious new brick store building of the Union Mercantile Co., covering a ground space of 80 by 120 feet along Metcalf and Ferry streets. The building in appointment is strictly modern in every respect, being heated by steam, and containing toilets, rest rooms and private office. In point of quantity and quality of stocks and details of finishing, arrangement of store furniture, and division into departments there is nothing of a like kind in Skagit County to compare with and none to excel the new habitation of the Union Mercantile Co., which became known as The Merc. Together with the W.C. Coddington Co., the Mercantile Co. has made Sedro-Woolley famous as the one place in Skagit County where any and everything in the lines of general merchandise may be obtained. Nowhere on the coast are the stocks of these firms greatly exceeded in quality and variety, and never in quality. Both firms deservedly enjoy enviable reputations for liberality and reliability. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
115 Ferry. That building is long gone, razed decades ago and replaced by an alley that continues through from Ferry to Woodworth. The new Ferry Street Garage opened at that site in 1917 and the 1952 Wells Directory lists the Washington State Liquor Store in the building.New buildings on Ferry Street, south side Adjoining the Union Mercantile's new occupied store at the rear (west) and fronting on Ferry Street is another new brick building belonging to the company. This building covers 40x80 feet of ground and when, shortly, it is completed, will be divided into two storerooms. Fronting on Ferry Street and adjoining the above building on the west, is the new brick building belonging to Mrs. Herron, containing two storerooms. One room in each of these buildings will soon be occupied, while there will be little difficulty in finding tenants for the other two. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
New buildings on Metcalf Street, East Side On the east side of Metcalf Street, [facing] the Union Mercantile and Seidell buildings and siding east along Ferry Street is the new brick Swastika Block, erected by Bingham & Holland, on the site of the burned Donnelly Block. This building fronts 100 feet on Metcalf Street and extends east 70 feet. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
701 Metcalf. A photo of that spectacular soda fountain has never surfaced. We hope that a reader will have one in their collection. Surely a postcard was published. In an article in the Jan. 8, 1914, Times, the reporter announced that Rhodius had left Mott and bought out the old Douglass Drug Store a half-block north, after F.A. Douglass retired. The Mott store ran into some financial difficulties and Joe Mott sold out in June 1915 to Milton Moeser and George Shearer, who called their business the Moeser-Shearer Drug Co. Rhodius moved into the old Mott location in 1920 and opened Paul's Corner Drug Store. He sold it in September 1922 and opened a nursery business at 401 Reed Avenue, which later became the Sedro-Woolley Greenhouse, owned by Harry Moritz. In 1933, Rhodius became the Sedro-Woolley postmaster.Mott Drug Company moving The Mott Drug Co. are beginning to move stock into their new store room in the Swastika Building. Certainly they have one of the more elaborately outfitted rooms to be found anywhere in this section. All the interior, or "fixture" wood and glass work has been finished and done by the Shrewsbury Manufacturing Co. of this city, and is not only a credit to the firm but to the town. But the $1,175 soda fountain being installed is a feature worthy of a metropolis, and would be an attractive ornament to any store anywhere. it might be described but a look at it will be far more appreciable, and the store will open in a few days and the Christmas stock on display, everybody had better go in and admire the fountain themselves. [Dec. 14, 1911, Skagit County Times]
Immediately adjoining the Swastika on its south side and fronting on Metcalf is the new building of brick, owned by W.J. Thompson, occupying the lot formerly owned by Charles Nye. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]707 Metcalf. 2006: that site is vacant, most recently a steakhouse after a series of restaurants. In the Teen years and the 1920s it housed the Swastika cafe (later renamed The Met or Metcalf Cafe) and Shrewsbury's Hardware, and then Earl "Fuzz" Hegg's Fuzzy Wuzzy Grocery among other owners. Then from 1929 until the late 1990s it was the home of the Liberty Cafe, with Fred Bryant's barber shop in the cubbyhole on the corner north of the alley (709 Metcalf). George Bellos Sr. moved from Everett in 1929 and established the Liberty. After World War II and the 1947 Washington election that legalized serving "liquor by the drink," he expanded into the southern half of the building and opened the Bell Room, a longtime fixture on Metcalf Street.
At the rear of the Swastika Building and fronting on Ferry Street is the reconstituted brick building belonging to Bingham & Holland. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]207 Ferry. 2006: vacant. This building on two lots was also completely gutted by the fire of July 1911. Before the fire, it was occupied by a tailor, Karl Rings, and milliner J.E. Bobbitt, who presumably moved back into the new building. By the 1920s, it housed the Townshend Club Hall. Attorney Howard Seabury had his office at 211 Ferry and he rebuilt before moving to Bellingham. In the mid-1930s the West Coast Telephone Company erected the brick building that still stands further to the east and is now numbered 209.
Then to the south, in the same block, comes the Condy and Clark buildings, reconstructed after the fire, and adjoining them the new brick building belonging to and occupied by A.D. Bauer. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
Earlier article Aug. 3, 1911 The brick walls of the Condy and Clark buildings came through the fire without injury that in any way interfered with their immediate repair, and Frank Wilmarth, with a force of men, is busy restoring them to their condition previous to the fire. It is expected that Mr. Condy and the Courier printing office will again be installed in the brick in about forty-five days. The Courier has arranged to print in Anacortes until its room in the Condy building is ready. The proprietor, Mr. Owen, has quarters in the room with Turney, the jeweler in the Seidell building [628 Metcalf].
215 Ferry. Frank J. Hoehn was a pioneer who arrived in old Sedro in 1889 and soon brought the first teams of horses over the North Cascades from Yakima. His original livery stable was on the lots across Ferry from the Gateway Hotel that are still vacant. Built completely of wood and filled with hay and flammable materials, the two-story building went up like a torch. Nothing was ever rebuilt on the site, but the American Legion did consider erecting a building there in 1946 after vets returning from World War II wanted to expand. Hoehn continued business at the Skagit Commission site while a new two-story livery was built for him at the northeast corner of Murdock and Ferry, where the Skagit State Bank stands today. Many have asked why Hoehn did not rebuild on that site.New buildings outside of downtown The new livery barn constructed by Frank J. Hoehn at the [northeast] corner of Ferry and Murdock streets is, perhaps, the largest, most commodious and conveniently appointed institution of the kind in the county. Its equipment is first class and covers a ground space of 90 by 114 feet. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
The establishment of extensive lumber and wood yards by the Clear Lake Lumber Co. are among the city's gains in new industries during the year. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]That lumber yard was at the northeast corner of Eastern and State streets, east of the Northern Pacific tracks. More than 20 years later, that was the site of Massar Lumber Co., which burned in 1938, shortly after being sold to Tim Devener. That is today the site of Marketplace Foods.
The Skagit Commission Co. has added to its always-extensive plant a milling structure and complete equipment. The new building covers a ground space of 28x48 feet and reaches a total height of 54 feet. With its new milling equipment its daily output can be 20 tons of cracked corn, 12 tons of rolled oats, 15 tons of chop, 8 tons of ground oats or barley. It also is fitted out with fans for cleaning all kinds of grain. All this machinery can be operated to its full capacity, and prompt service is among the firm's main objects. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911] [100 block, West Ferry]Skagit Commission began in 1900 as a partnership between Norris Ormsby and James Holbrook. Ormsby came to Sedro-Woolley in 1890 by wagon train from Kansas with druggist Frank A. Douglass, and he became the first temporary mayor of Woolley at the incorporation election that fall. He started a drayage and transfer business that benefited from the three railroads crossing near Woolley's mill. James Holbrook came to town in 1899 to work for his brother, Merritt L. Holbrook, who was a partner with Charles E. Bingham in the bank. He soon married Norris's sister, Hallie, who was the first telephone operator in town, and he and Ormsby formed Skagit Commission to distribute hay grain, ice and Rainier beer. Eddie Carr, one of the first graduates of the high school and a son of the Keystone Hotel partner, bought the business in 1906. He soon sold it to Marcellus Bruce Holbrook, James's nephew, who arrived here in 1906. His partner was John H. Gould, but by the time of the fire, Gould had moved on to the Sedro-Woolley Hardware Co.
The Sedro Veneer Plant, always up-to-date in equipment for everything in its line of wood products, has, during the past year, installed machinery for the manufacture of Douglas fir and Cottonwood panels. The new machinery is the very latest in improvement and the best of its line in the Northwest. It consists of a 96-inch Francis hydraulic press, 49-inch Berlin triple-drum sander and necessary tables, blue corkers, spreaders, etc. This new department, added to its various others, aggregates an enormous output of the finished and raw material. Its business has so increased as to necessitate the immediate construction of six additional stock sheds. It has just completed dredging a new pond for the reception of logs, which [are] being constantly received by rail. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
Within the past few months, the city has expanded $48,000 for a trunk sewer. Aside from this, several thousands of dollars more are being expended for laterals upon which work is progressing. The cost of the completed system will be between eighty and ninety thousand dollars.Albert G. Mosier engineered the sewer and the first lines were installed in 1913 on both Metcalf and Third streets and the stretch of State street in between them. David M. Donnelly, a local developer and farmer who would later be postmaster, opened the Sedro Ice Co. plant in 1908 and by 1913, Wamac Ice Co. had bought it. In 1913, Wamac was located on the east side of the Northern Pacific railroad tracks where the espresso/film kiosk and Wood's Logging are located in 2006. The Steel bridge crossed the Skagit at the foot of Third Street. It opened with great fanfare on Jan. 27, 1912, and was originally named the Thompson Bridge in honor of William J. Thompson, who was mayor at the time. Three days later, the Livermore Apartments opened, the building that still stands at the northwestern corner of State and Metcalf streets. Eight months later, on Sept. 5, 1912, the Interurban rail trolley opened between Sedro-Woolley and Burlington, with connections to Mount Vernon on the south and Bellingham on the north
A new ice plant of modern pattern and equipment is now in course of construction. The county's new steel bridge just south of the city will virtually be completed by Jan. 1 at a cost of between $56-57,000. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
Work progresses steadily upon buildings and ground improvements at the State's asylum for the harmless instance, situated just east of the city. During the year, thousands of dollars have been expended upon that institution and the work is just beginning. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]That was the birth of Northern State Hospital, which began construction in 1910 and opened in May 1912, four miles northeast of downtown Woolley.
The milling and woods industries adjacent to the city have been more than usually active during the year, and a vast deal of land clearing and farm improvement work in the immediately surrounding country has been accomplished.
In spite of the disastrous fire that occurred, the general trade of the town has steadily increased. All things considered, Sedro-Woolley has fared well during the year 1911, and there are no dark spots in sight as we look ahead. [Times, Dec. 27, 1911]
Phones: Independent 543, Sunset 37-J
Her husband died at age 44 on Sept. 10, 1903. He was born in Nova Scotia in 1859 and they married in 1893, presumably in old Woolley. Charlotte has a most fascinating lineage. Records from that era are very spotty but here is what we have found. From material in her birth record, we think that she was first married to Edward C. Carr, who sold the hotel to William Doherty. Her son was Edward Carter Carr, who owned the Skagit Commission Co. at a very young age, among other businesses. Apparently she and Carr divorced because we found subsequent children of Carr, born to his second wife. Charlotte's last child with Carr, Charlotte, was born on March 26, 1898, and married millman John F. Cory. Her elder daughter with Carr was Catherine, who was born April 11, 1886, and married bartender Harry E. Mullen. Her son, William B. Doherty, served in World War I. Charlotte was the daughter of Edward McGarigle, apparently the namesake of the road north of Hwy 20. We hope a reader will know more about the McGarigle, Carr and Mullen families. It is now too late to make up gifts yourself but still time left in which to buy gifts that require no work on your part. We have a goodly lot of Christmas novelties, both useful and practical, that are bound to please any member of the family or of your friends. Then, too, we have marked them so they are within the reach of every pocketbook. For the Ladies. "Dear to the Hearts" of all ladies are dainty dress accessories such as jabots, lace collars, side frills, beads, brooches, buckles, belt pins, back combs, barrettes, etc. She also likes pretty dishes, vases, etc. We have all of these and the prices are very attractive as well as the goods. Look at this line before deciding on a gift for her |
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